said Paul Newsome, a top swimmer, triathlete and especially swim coach one sunny day in Perth, Australia. In 2004, together with his friend Adam Young, an avid swimmer, but also an excellent software programmer, introduced Swim Smooth’s unique training system.

How the method Swim Smooth differs from other swimming techniques? What makes her special, unique, and why should you choose this method?

The Swim Smooth method supports the distinctive expression of the swim stroke, does not attempt to match the swimmer with a single, "ideal" model of swimming technique, but adjusts it according to individual dispositions, skill level and racing discipline. Swim Smooth distinguishes swimmers by SWIM TYPES (Bambino, Arnie, Kicktastic, Overglider, Swinger, Smooth) according to their bodytype, personality traits and swimming experience. This is unique not only in our country but around the world.

Swim Smooth is a method suitable for the CHILDREN as well as for ADULTS, both beginner swimmers and performance swimmers and triathletes. From the basics of Swim Smooth, head coach Gabriela Minaříková created a progressive and fun method of teaching children SWIMMING WITH PLAVEL AND PLAVLÍNA.


Very often swimmers seek us out for the purpose of our VIDEO ANALYSIS. Thanks to that, we are able not only to detect errors quickly, but also to correct them very quickly. We help, among other things, top junior swimmers, triathletes and others.

Come and learn more about our SYSTEMATIC PREPARATION!  


Would you like to swim smooth?

Feel free to contact us at info@swimsmooth.cz or at +420 727 988 955

or follow us on Facebook.