Obligatory swimming aids for competitive and leisure simmers

Our tip:
Quality FINIS paddles, fins and pull buoys are basic swimming aids that are necessary for effective swimming training. Exclusively for our swimmers order with 10% discount in a specialized Swimaholic swim store. When ordering, please state: Minarikova10


Animation Mr. Smooth   23 USD
Training Plan – Arnie, Bambino, Kiktastic, Overglader, Swinger, Smooth   20 USD
Swim Smooth book   22 EUR
DVD – Catch Master Class   40 EUR
3 DVD´s – Everything you need to improve your swimming   50 EUR
DVD – Learn to swim freestyle   40 EUR
DVD – Training plan for OH/HIM/IM triatlon   40 EUR
Web App - Swim Smoothe Coaching System   139 EUR


General Terms

The Provider further advises the swimmer that when the goods are purchased through the provider, a contractual relationship is established directly between the swimmer and the producer / supplier of the goods. All rights and obligations (in particular liability for defective performance or warranty rights) are agreed without further involvement of the provider. The manufacturer / supplier of the goods was advised of this circumstance. In the case of ordering goods through the provider, this legal representative gives consent to the provider with his / her representation to handle the contractual relationship, including the inspection of equipment. In other matters, the swimmer is obliged to act directly with the manufacturer /supplier. By placing the order, I confirm that I have read the General Terms, I have understood and agree with them.


Would you like to get information about recomended swimming aids and Swim Smooth products?

Feel free to contact us at info@swimsmooth.cz or at +420 727 988 955

or follow us on Facebook. Looking forward to meeting you!